But not before taking a picture of it so that I can post it, obvs.
[Click to embiggen.]
Some of the contents of the latest package of Deeky's Garbage Treasures: A menu for "Sweet Sin: A Gluten Free Café," an expired Go Pass for the MTA, an Amtrak Customer Safely Instructions pamphlet labeled "Please do not remove this card from the train," a City of Baltimore parking citation, a class picture of Mrs. Barbour's first grade class at the Frances E. Willard School in Pasadena taken April 5, 1962, a book titled Facing the Nuclear Age: Parents and Children Together, a deli ticket stub #20, the title page from The Overton Window, three free passes to the circus at the Frederick Fairgrounds on February 25, a drink coaster from the Annabel Lee Tavern, his old library card from Missouri, a tag from a shirt he bought at Banana Republic ($49.99!), and some unidentified piece of black plastic in a tiny zip-loc bag.
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