Film Corner!

Below, the trailer for The Art of Getting By, starring Freddie Highmore, Emma Roberts, New York City, and the intersection of angst and love or whatever.

Video Description: George (Freddie Highmore) is a white teenage high school student who wears a black trenchcoat and doodles a lot and is apathetic. He is obviously too clever for school, and thus it bores him, and thus he has license to be condescending and shitty to his white female teacher. And all the other adults around him, except, perhaps, the fashionably scraggly white man who recognizes his doodles as ART no doy.

Indie music. White people. New York City. Did you know that New York City is 100% white people? That is a true fact that you can take to the bank. (It's by Wall Street.)

White art teacher is concerned. Black principal (he commutes from New Jersey DON'T WORRY) is concerned. Mom is concerned. George is apathetic and sarcastic. Oh, George. What are we going to do with you? If only you could MEET A GIRL WHO COULD HELP YOU FIGURE OUT YOU WHO YOU ARE.

Hey, look! It's Sally (Emma Roberts). HI, SALLY!

Sally is a white teenage high school student who is intrigued by George's shitty attitude. He tells her he's "the Teflon Slacker." Sure. She suggests they hang out. They cut school. He Ferris Buellers her some rules about cutting school.

Montage of hanging out, including eating nonspecific Asian food ("noodles") which was DEFINITELY made by white people DON'T WORRY. Pithy dialogue. Music. New York City. White people.

UH OH. Sally tells her mom they're just friends. But George tells his scraggly art mentor that he likes Sally. Scraggly art mentor (who is maybe George's brother or something, but who cares) tells George he'd better "throw her up against the wall and start kissing her; you gotta do something, or you might lose her."

Blah blah contrived tension and misunderstandings that could have been resolved with simple conversations. Oh noes now they're not friends at all. WHAT WILL HAPPEN? Maybe he'll Eric Stoltz a painting of her! Where the fuck is Watts, anyway?

Swelling indie music. George is running and Ben Braddocking on the front door of Sally's apartment. She opens the door! He leans in—OH NO THAT'S IT! I guess we'll all have to see this garbage movie to find out how the trailer ends.

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