Going Galt

Yesterday I reported some very sad news about the free markets: the big screen adaptation of Ayn Rand's steaming pile of objectivist dogshit AKA Atlas Shrugged Part 1 is tanking at the box office. Sad face.

Now there's more bad news for Randians everywhere. First-time film producer John Aglialoro is taking his ball and going home going "on strike."

"I'm having deep second thoughts on why I should do Part 2," Aglialoro said. (Very sad face.)


"Why should I put up all of that money if the critics are coming in like lemmings?" Aglialoro said. "I'll make my money back and I'll make a profit, but do I wanna go and do two? Maybe I just wanna see my grandkids and go on strike."

Aglialoro is also pulling back on plans to have Atlas Shrugged Part 1 expand to 1000 theaters this weekend. As he noted, however, Aglialoro believes he'll recoup the $20M he flushed into this project, once TV, DVD and other ancillary rights are taken into account. So expect to see this at your local Redbox soon.

Oh, hey, speaking of Redbox: those machines do not come with a free pass to park in fire lanes when you use them. So stop that, okay? Ayn Rand didn't approve of parking in fire lanes. (It's in one of her books even.)

If you can't wait for Redbox, which probably won't even carry it because Liberal Conspiracy, there is always this (Plus, 68% off!) which stars Gary Cooper as a guy who likes to blow up waterfalls or something. I'm not sure, I've never seen it. But Gary Cooper, so, you know: manliness.

So... To recap: John Aglialoro, going Galt; parking in fire lanes, not good; Gary Cooper, manly. Discuss!

p.s. Hello objectivistnews Twitter feed bot!

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