I see that you've published this year's list of the most powerful 50 gays and lesbians.
Either this:
[Jim Gaffigan reminds you that it's time to buy milk.]
1) Is actually a picture of the fifty white gays and lesbians with the most "power to influence cultural and social attitudes, political clout, individual wealth, and [highest] media profile."
2) Really is a picture of the fifty gays and lesbians with the most "power to influence cultural and social attitudes, political clout, individual wealth, and [highest] media profile."
If it's the former, I humbly suggest you relabel your feature. If it's the latter, maybe y'all could have a meeting at Shepard Smith's house to discuss, um, "The Situation"?
Sorry, I always get Shepard Smith confused with Anderson Cooper, and Anderson Cooper confused with Mike from "Jersey Shore."
P.S. LOL ur B n' T.
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