Even those people whose job it is to dig up dirt on celebrities can only shake their heads in amazement. "Derek Jeter could be a guru," says Richard Johnson, the Los Angeles bureau chief of The Daily and legendary former editor of the New York Post's gossip column, Page Six. "There's never been any kiss-and-tell stuff where a girl breaks up with Jeter and then says what a creep he is. I don't know how he avoids it. He must have some sort of vetting process—maybe he makes them fill out a questionnaire or has a psychological profile done. He's incredible."Yes, what a mystery! Whatever he's doing, it's definitely not treating women with decency and respect, because that's just ABSURD!
Now, Richard Johnson is a [TW] world-class asshole, but Seth Mnookin is an asshole for including that shit in his piece, and the editors of GQ are assholes for printing that shit in their gentlemen's mag. And every dude who read it and shook his head and wondered what Jeter's secret could possibly be is an asshole, too.
And I'll note once again that it's feminists who have the reputation as man-haters, but it isn't me who can read about a man who's supposed to be a decent guy and not even consider the possibility that he is reputed to be a decent guy because he's actually a decent guy.
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