"But while I am assailing his ideas, let me put in a good word about [Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)] himself: He is, from my limited experience, a charming man who truly believes what he believes. I salute him for laying out the actual conservative agenda. Here’s hoping he is transparent in the coming weeks about whom he is taking benefits from and toward whom he wants to be more generous. If he thinks we need an even more unequal society to prosper in the future, may he have the courage to say so."—E.J. Dionne Jr., in a must-read column wondering if the GOP will be honest about the embedded class warfare in their budget and whether the President and his party will stand up to them.
Btw, you can read Rep. Ryan's "The GOP Path to Prosperity" in today's Wall Street Journal. Very cool. Completely changed my mind about the GOP's fiscal policy being garbage. Now I think it's rancid garbage.
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