It's kind of amazing that this restriction doesn't exist already, but Illinois state is working to pass a law that would prohibit convicted predators from practicing medicine in the state:
Health care workers would lose their licenses permanently upon conviction of a sex crime or forcible felonies under legislation the House overwhelmingly passed today.To address the inevitable protest: No, that does not mean any healthcare practitioner who is accused of a sex crime would immediately have to begin notifying all patients. There is, particularly in rape cases, a threshold of credibility that allegations must pass, often even despite guidelines that stipulate otherwise, before an official criminal investigation is opened.
Inspired by a Tribune investigation, the bill would require health care workers, including doctors, with charges pending to have chaperones with them if they keep treating patients before their trials. They would need to notify all of their patients in writing about any pending criminal allegations.
The measure now moves to the Senate. Sponsoring Rep. Will Burns, D-Chicago and 4th Ward alderman-elect, expects it to pass easily.
Burns hailed the series for pointing out the problems with current regulations and doctors and advocates of victims of sexual assault for being able to "get this done."
No person whose name is on a sex offender registry would be eligible to get a medical license under the bill.
And, by way of reminder, the narrative that there are multitudinous rape accusations levied by revenge-seeking women is also false, so, no, this does not "open a door" for vituperative (straw)women, either.
What this does is protect patients from predatory healthcare providers. The End.
[H/T to Shaker Loquamani.]
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