Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

My power is back on. At least for the time being. We've got a storm rolling on, so if I disappear again, rest assured I'm just sitting in the dark, cursing.


Liss: My electricity just went out.

Deeky: Awesome!

Liss: I was in the middle of writing a post, too. Whooooooooooops.

Deeky: Electricity is for suckers.

Liss: Seriously, how the fuck often does my electricity go out?! And it's just our block this happens to, which seems to me ought to make whatever causes it easy to FIX ALREADY!

Deeky: "Dear Shakers: Liss' power is out again. Because Mitch Daniels."

Liss: LOL! I just called the power company. They're sending someone out. This is some real bullshit. I am so sick of power outages.

Deeky: Yeah. For serious.

Liss: Well, a power truck has arrived in the area.

Deeky: That's a promising sign.

Liss: The guy is literally just standing next to his truck, staring up at the telephone pole, lololol.

Deeky: LOL.

Liss: He just walked around the side of our house and bashed something. It sounded like he kicked the side of our house, lol! WTF?

Deeky: That'll fix it!

Liss: And now the power's back on! What was that—the Fonzie solution?!

Deeky: LOLz for real.

Liss: Now it's off again, lol.

Deeky: Perfect.

Liss: Now it's back on. LOL.

Deeky: This is going to be your whole day.

Liss: He's driving away. Guess it's fixed!

Deeky: LOL! Good news.

Liss: Nope, back out.

Deeky: Whoops!

Liss: Nope, back on! OMG this is hilarious.

Deeky: Just fire up the Tesla coil and be done with it.

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