Second, my profound and joyful thanks to Shakers natbsat, ajoye, math-geek, phoquess, eviltammy, jazzyroo, and one more whose permission I haven't gotten to publish her name, who got together and made this amazing quilt for me:
It is gorgeous and matches our living room perfectly, and it is sooooooo soft and cuddly. I've already used it and love it to tiny little bits—and, if I want to use it in future, I'm going to have to fight Sophie for it, who has decided that it's hers. (Guess again, Sophs!) Thank you so much, to each of you. I am so grateful for your kindness and thoughtfulness. I will be using that for a very long time to come.
And finally, my thanks to Shaker Carole, who after reading my account of being a fat patient in a doctor's office without a gown that fit me, made me my very own personalized gown:
That picture does not do its remarkable cuteness any justice; I couldn't figure out a good way to photograph it—but, as you can see, it came emblazoned with a teaspoon and my name. (So much blub.) And Carole, despite having "ideas on how to make it prettier/more comfy/less of the butt-hanging-out style" (hee!), used a real hospital gown as a pattern, with the shoulder snaps, ties, and all, to reduce the likelihood I wouldn't be allowed to use it. I am so appreciative, Carole; I adore it, and I will always, always, always bring it with me to every doctor's appointment from now on.
Thank you so very much, Cortney, natbsat, ajoye, math-geek, phoquess, eviltammy, jazzyroo, Anon Shaker, and Carole.
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