...reached the point of apathy re: Osama bin Laden news. I'm certainly not arguing that's a good thing, but that's what is.
It's not that I don't think there are important conversations to be had about the assassination of Osama bin Laden (see: Nezua's post), but those conversations largely aren't the ones happening.
I just really can't be arsed to give a shit about what Andrew Breitbart thinks about Hillary Clinton covering her mouth or what the jackasses at Time's 2004 Blog of the Year claim about this execution validating Bush torture policies, and I sure as shit can't bring myself to take seriously a ridiculous debate about how President Obama taking down flags at Ground Zero because he's an illegitimate Muslim or whatthefuckever.
I'm still not sure I know exactly how I feel about the killing of Osama bin Laden, but I am positively certain that the public discourse which followed is an absolute disgrace.
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