In the Navy...

You can:

1. Find pleasure
2. Search the world for treasure
3. Learn science technology
4. Begin to make your dreams all come true
5. Learn to fly

6. Play in sports and skin dive

7. Study oceanography
8. Sign up for the big band
9. Sit in the grandstand
10. Sail the seven seas
11. Put your mind at ease
12. Protect the motherland
13. Join your fellow man
14. Make a stand

15. Get married on base by a Navy Chaplain if you're a same sex couple stationed/residing in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage.
The changes came in the form of an April 13 advisory memo issued to all chaplains which said the Chaplain Corps was revising its Tier I DADT Repeal training manuals, which had previously indicated that same-sex marriages are not authorized on federal property.

Citing “additional legal review” by Navy attorneys, the Chief of Navy Chaplains, Admiral Michael Tidd said the Navy “has concluded that, generally speaking, base facility use is sexual orientation neutral.”

“If the base is located in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, then the base facilities may be used to celebrate the marriage,” added Tidd.
Good news! Homomentum AHOY!

(If you do not get the list reference, it comes from the 1979 Village People hit, In the Navy)

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