Anyway, Tami's got a great post about Adele today, in which she expresses wonder at the number of people who try (and spectacularly fail) to cover Adele's stuff, especially "Rolling in the Deep." It's a sentiment with which I heartily agree; vanishingly few people are going to be able to tough Adele's version.
Meanwhile, Andy posts a video by three darling blokes (Alex Goot, Michael Henry, and Justin Robinett) who take on Adele with a sort of Glee-ified medley of "Rolling in the Deep," "Turning Tables," and "Someone Like You," and it's definitely one of my favorite covers of Adele's work so far. Enjoy!
UPDATE: Shaker erbie dropped into comments this video of PS22 Chorus singing "Rolling in the Deep," which is just ridiculously fantastic:
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