Quote of the Day

"The House GOP's rather pitiful jobs manifesto...illustrates, once again, the foolishness of believing that we can reach any real bipartisan agreement on economic policy. The GOP stopped thinking a long time ago; all it knows how to do is parrot Reaganite rhetoric over and over. And there’s so little there there that the document—look at it!—has to rely on extra-large type and lots of pointless pictures to bulk it out even to 10 pages."Paul Krugman.

In related news, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ealpieceofwork) says "substantial Medicare cuts must be part of a spending and deficit cut package to get his support to raise the debt limit." Or, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's spokesperson Jon Summers aptly describes it: "Republicans are holding the United States' credit hostage to ram through their plan to end Medicare."

No jobs, no healthcare, no social safety net...just BOOTSTRAPS FOR EVERYONE!!!

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