A new Sachs/Mason Dixon poll gets to the heart of the presidential choices in front of us. Who would you rather have lunch with? More than three times as many Americans - 53 percent - would choose to have a one-on-one lunch chat with President Obama over any of the Republican presidential conentenders. Sarah Palin placed a distant second, with 16 percent.The question that was actually asked was: "Among these announced or rumored contenders for President in 2012, which one would you most like to have a one-on-one conversation with over lunch?"
"Overwhelmingly, Americans find President Barack Obama to be the most likable and lunch-worthy date compared to any of those hoping take his job in the 2012 election," said Ron Sachs, President of Ron Sachs Communications. "There is no baloney in this simple truth: the 'lunch pal' poll very likely reflects the significant advantage President Obama enjoys heading into his re-election against a party that has no 'candidate du jour.'"
Assuming that people were axiomatically choosing the person they most like is completely unsound. I'm sure there are respondents who would never vote for President Obama but chose him nonetheless sheerly for the the opportunity to give the sitting president a piece of their minds.
Frankly, I'd have chosen Sarah Palin, and it sure ain't because I'm a fan. I am, however, interested in having a conversation with her.
Consider this the reminder to be extremely critical of polls purporting to wildly favor or disfavor any candidate, as we move into the Silly Season.
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