Daily Dose of Cute

Sometimes, I say to Iain, "We should adopt another dog, so Dudley has a puppeh playmate." To which he says, "No way. That's too many legs in this house! There's a 20-leg maximum!" At which point I respond by pointing out that, irrespective of there being an entire house in which the cats and dog can hang out, they're always in the same room we are. We could live in a refrigerator box, and they'd be perfectly happy.

Right now, Dudley is lying on the floor beside me, Olivia is sprawled across the top of my desk, Sophie is draped across the top of the monitor, and Matilda is on a chair next to me. If I get up to take a piss, they will all follow me into the tiniest bathroom imaginable, and then follow me back to the office once I'm done.

And this is the scene in our living room on a typical night:

Big Couch

Little Couch

As you can see, the kitteh girls kindly left two seats open, so Iain and I would feel welcome to join them. I rest my case.

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