So, some of the 2012 GOP presidential wannabes met for a debate in New Hampshire last night, during which Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Eally?!) announced she is officially a candidate for president.
Shorter Debate:
CNN Moderator John King: Tell us a little something about yourselves.
GOP Candidates: We're assholes!
CNN Moderator John King: Tell us a little something about your positions.
GOP Candidates: They're garbage!
CNN Moderator John King: Tell us a little something about President Obama.
GOP Candidates: He's the worst!
CNN Moderator John King: Tell us a little something about your proposed solutions.
GOP Candidates: President Obama is the worst!
CNN Moderator John King: Tell us a little something about facts.
GOP Candidates: They stink!
CNN Moderator John King: Thank you all. Good night.
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