Heads-Up NYC-Area Shakers!

Several times now, I've mentioned on the blog (in comments) that Tils has a mobile groomer who comes to the house, which spares Tils the additional stress of a car ride on grooming day, and each time there are Shakers who note they wish they had a mobile groomer. Well, at least for those of you in Rockland, Bergen, and Southern Westchester counties (NY/NJ), I have a recommendation for you:

The Good Life Mobile Dog Grooming

The Good Life groomer is my cousin-in-law Chris, who, in addition to starting the business, is also co-mom to two of the cutest dogs on the planet, Gunner and Bailey. You'll not only get a great groomer who loves dogs, but you'll be supporting a woman-owned, all-kindsa-Shaker-friendly business!

(Please feel welcome and encouraged to use this thread to recommend mobile groomers in your area, too.)

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