Hobbit News!

Peter Jackson posted some Hobbit casting news on Facebook this weekend, and, basically, he's just trying to make my head explode at this point:
Evangeline Lilly [who played Kate on Lost] will be playing a new character—the Woodland Elf, Tauriel. Her name means 'daughter of Mirkwood' and, beyond that, we must leave you guessing! (No, there is no romantic connection to Legolas.) What is not a secret is how talented and compelling an actress Evangeline is; we are thrilled and excited she will be the one to bring our first true Sylvan Elf to life.
It was also recently announced that Benedict Cumberbatch (he of the new Sherlock Holmes series) will voice Smaug.

I don't even know how to deal with this information, but I'm guessing there's going to be some of this involved.

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