The lovely Ms. Anna, 3, holds a sign with her mom, Shaker Westsidebecca, during a rally Saturday in Syracuse to celebrate marriage equality in New York State. At left in adorbz polka-dot dress is Ms. Anna's other mom, Eastsidekate. Photograph by Lauren Long for The Post-Standard. Posted with the family's permission.So, Friday night, the New York State legislature voted to legalize same-sex marriage in New York. This has already been much-discussed in the Open Threads, but I wanted to offer a dedicated thread for the decision, too.
There was much rejoicing at Shakes Manor Friday night, not only because we are fervent supporters of marriage equality generally, but because we have New York peeps, including family, who are personally positively effected by this decision.
On a personal level, I blubbed my face off.
On a political level, well, I blubbed my face off. But I also observed: "The fact is, in New York tonight, there are Republicans to the left of Obama on marriage equality." This is something that did not escape the notice of the New York Times editors, either. Their editorial "Gay Marriage: Where's Mr. Obama?" is really very good.
Fundamental equality, however, is hardly the equivalent of a liquor law that can vary on opposite sides of a state line. Why is Mr. Obama so reluctant to say the words that could lend strength to a national effort now backed by a majority of Americans?The US is ready for marriage equality. This is the time.
Congratulations, New York.
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