Oscar Nooz

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has changed the rules for its "Best Picture" category, and it is very confusing/boring:
[The Academy] has added what it called "a new twist" to its best picture category. At the upcoming 84th Academy Awards, there may not be 10 movies nominated for best picture. Instead, new voting rules could result in a anywhere from five to 10 nominees in the category.

Although the best picture Oscar race was expanded from five to 10 pictures just two years ago, the Academy board of governors voted Tuesday night to introduce a new procedure, which it said would add "a new element of surprise," since the number of movies that make the cut won't be revealed until the best picture nominees are revealed at the nominations announcement Jan. 24.

In order to ensure a nomination, a picture will have to collect enough first-place votes on the nomination ballots to amount to five percent of the ballots cast.
Blah blah yawn. The totally wrong picture is still going to win every year, though, right...? Okay then.

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