Not to be outdone by the rest of America, earlier this week the Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee approved (by a 10-2 margin!) a bill that would ban all abortion, fullstop.
It gets worse. Remember Personhood USA? The legislation adopts their position that human life begins at fertilization, which raises all kinds of terrifying questions.
Under the proposed law, the state could sentence doctors who perform an abortion to fifteen years in prison.
As is the case with Indiana, if the bill becomes Louisiana law, it would do so it violation of federal law. While it's not clear what the federal government's response would be, it could put Louisiana's Medicaid funding at risk. Of course, given some prominent Republicans' views on Medicaid, I don't think it's a stretch to say that some conservatives are unconcerned, if not enthusiastic, about destroying Medicaid in their state.
This legislation in Louisiana, coupled with events in Indiana, is a key moment for reproductive rights in the United States. The Obama administration absolutely needs to respond with the full force of the federal government.
Indiana has denied women access to health care in direct violation of federal law. Louisiana is attempting to follow the Hoosier state's lead. Denying government funding to those who hate government is not a solution. It is long past time for the White House to take action to uphold the law of this nation.
Instead, I hear crickets.
H/t: Queen Emily
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