Here is but one gem from this clusterfucktastrophe:
If Weiner's a bad guy, if Arnold Schwarzenegger's a bad guy, if John Edwards and Newt Gingrich are bad guys, then why aren't we calling out these willing accomplices as "bad girls" with the same fervor? Why do they seem to be catching a break in the realm of public opinion?I admire Granderson's magical powers of deduction. Personally, I cannot discern which women, if any, are "seeking cameras" versus those who have reluctantly granted interviews in the hopes of being left the fuck alone by the media who started searching out every woman with whom Weiner had public communications once he publicly tweeted a picture of his cock.
Yes, the men in these scandals all made stupid mistakes and deserve what they got.
But their girlfriends -- cyber or real -- are not all innocent victims. Particularly the ones now coming out of hiding, seeking cameras in the wake of their playmate's public demise. Those are the ones I really wish would shut up.
But, then again, I'm not a Very Wise Man, like LZ Granderson.
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