Rep. Anthony Weiner is holding a press conference right now, which you can watch live here, during which he has admitted having inappropriate relationships with women online over the past several years. He also admits having lied about the photo; says he sent it as a "joke."
Says he's not resigning, nor getting divorced.
UPDATE: Weiner: "To be clear, the picture was of me, and I sent it."
At the moment, I quite honestly can't decide whether I'm more angry that yet another progressive male politician who was a good ally to women turns out to be having "inappropriate relationships" with women and lying about it, or the fact that he's actually helped unethical rightwing attack dog Andrew Breitbart's credibility.
UPDATE 2: Weiner says all the interactions were consensual. Also says he's not making any excuses: "I'm not on drugs; I wasn't drinking; I just did a stupid thing for which I'm taking full responsibility; it's a personal failing." (Paraphrase.) Apologizes for the hurt he's caused to both his wife and the woman to whom the picture was sent, for dragging them into this.
UPDATE 3: "It is really true that the smarter, better thing is to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may." Says once he told the first lie, he just kept having to tell more. Also: "I engaged in inappropriate online conversations with people that included photographs, but I don't believe I did anything that violated the law." Also says that there was "a long list" of people he hurt, but the woman to whom he sent the picture is at the top of the list.
UPDATE 4: As Weiner walks away from the podium, someone from the press is screaming at him, "Sir, were you fully erect?" And now the lives of all the women with whom Weiner had interactions via Twitter and Facebook will be turned inside-out and upside-down by the same people who shout things like, "Sir, were you fully erect?" at a serious press conference.
UPDATE 5: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says she's "deeply disappointed" in Weiner and requests an ethics investigation.
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