Whoooooooooops Your Presidential Campaign!

Senior Gingrich 2012 aides resign en masse:
Newt Gingrich's campaign manager and numerous other key aides have resigned together, a strong blow to his hopes for the Republican presidential nomination.

Gingrich press spokesman Rick Tyler told The Associated Press that he's resigned along with campaign manager Rob Johnson, senior strategists and aides in key early primary states.
One wonders if this has anything to do with the fact that the launch of his campaign website was a garbage disaster, that his campaign announcement video was a joke, that he is a lulz-quote spewing machine, that he thinks "awesome campaign strategist" and "Zell Miller" are synonymous, and that he is hostile to the media when they have the unmitigated temerity to ask him about things like his six-figure tab at Tiffany's during the nation's more dire economic crisis since the Great Depression.


Sorry about your campaign, Newt!

UPDATE: "Gingrich told the group he intends to stay in the race." Phew! That was a close one.

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