Today is the My Planned Parenthood Carnival, which I am co-hosting with Tami of What Tami Said. The hub for the carnival, at which links to all the individual posts of people participating is here, and Shakesville will be running My Planned Parenthood Stories all day today, underlining how important Planned Parenthood is and what will be lost if it continues to be defunded across the nation as it has been in Indiana, the state in which Tami and I both reside.
It's not too late to participate! The hub post will be updated throughout the day with new links, and you are still welcome to submit a guest post to run at Shakesville or at What Tami Said. Raise your voice in support of Planned Parenthood.
Please share the carnival links to this post and the hub post far and wide, and tweet about it using the hashtag #MyPP.
And please consider donating to Planned Parenthood Indiana or a Planned Parenthood near you.
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