"Physicians must be free to advise and treat their patients based on their medical knowledge and expertise and not have their advice overridden by elected officials seeking to impose their own ideological agenda on others."Well, yesterday the NC legislature has overridden her veto. The law requires women to have an ultrasound, a 24-hour waiting period, and state-written counseling delivered as a speech by her doctor. Women will be required to hear about the health risks of abortion and also "abortion alternatives". Apparently women who are seeking abortions in NC have no awareness of any other option and haven't thought them out, amirite?
Oh and it gets even better because anyone who does not follow these new regulations can now be sued by a woman who had an abortion--or one who nearly did and changed her mind. Or her spouse/partner. Or her parent(s)/guardian(s). OR her sibling(s).
The new law will take effect in 90 days.
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