While Romney, whose team now has $12.6 million cash left on hand, is in a strong position, the latest numbers were somewhat below expectations. At this point in 2007, Romney had collected $23 million despite being less established as a top tier candidate. But he's essentially competing against himself at this point: none of his rivals are expected to even crack the $10 million barrier.Rep. Michele Bachmann, who has not reported her fundraising numbers yet, has been his closest rival in straw polls, but is not expected to best $18m.
As a result of the several awesome SCOTUS decisions on campaign financing since the last election, 2/3 of Romney's fundraising has come from a single super-PAC, "Restore Our Future, which can collect unlimited corporate donations and raised $12 million this quarter."
So, quite literally, corporations are buying the Republican nomination. And, at this point, they're putting their money on Mitt.
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