[Trigger warning for sexual harassment and assault.]
So, the Chicago Sun-Times published an article about how Jennifer Aniston is playing a boss who sexually harasses and assaults her employee in the new "dark comedy" Horrible Bosses.
The article details the harassment and assaults she commits in the film; it is accompanied by a still image from the film of Aniston as the Horrible Boss groping her employee, played by Charlie Day.
Naturally, it makes no mention of how fucked-up it is for all of this to be played for laughs, although is it discussed at length how Aniston lobbied to wear "a brown wig with a row of bangs" instead of sporting her "trademark streaky blonde" hair, because: "There was just no way I could [play that role] and not look somewhat different."
The headline of this article is: "Jennifer Aniston takes risk, turns hair dark for 'Horrible Bosses'."
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