Daily Dose of Cute

[Please note that Dudley and Zelda bare their teeth at each other in this video. They're just playing, but if seeing dogs bare their teeth is triggering or otherwise problematic for you, you should skip this video.]

Video Description: Dudley and Zelda play-fight, "biting" at each other's necks, ears, and general head area. I tell them to try not to eat each other's faces off. They look at me and go back to the Bitey Game.

The two of them will do this for ages, until they're both so tired that they're just lying on their sides with their heads bumped together, nudging each other's noses.

Earlier, they were playing between the door of my office and my desk, and Sophie came up and mewed at them while they were playing, as if to say, "Pardon me." They paused and looked at her, then she walked right between them toward me, and they waited until she'd passed before going right back to it, lol.

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