[Dudley and Zelda sit together on the loveseat. Zelda is chewing on a squeaky toy and Dudley is staring off into space.] Dudley! *kissy noises* [Dudley turns and looks at me] What are you doing? What's going on over there? [His ears perk up; Zelda stops and looks at me.] Ohhhh, are you good puppies? [They stare at me cutely.] Are you the good puppies? You are. Yes. [Zelda goes back to her squeaky toy.] The good puppies. [Dudley lays his head down contentedly.]Immediately following this exchange, Dudley grabbed the other end of the toy, and thus did commence a brief but furious game of doggy wrasslin'.
Still photos of the good puppies are below the fold (on most browsers)...
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