Fake media outlet,
The Onion—
Obama Turns 50 Despite Republican Opposition:
WASHINGTON—After months of heated negotiations and failed attempts to achieve any kind of consensus, President Obama turned 50 years old Thursday, drawing strong criticism from Republicans in Congress.
"With the host of problems this country is currently facing, the fact that our president is devoting time to the human process of aging is an affront to Americans everywhere," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who advocated a provision to keep Obama 49 at least through the fall of 2013. "To move forward unilaterally and simply begin the next year of his life without bipartisan support—is that any way to lead a country?"
According to White House officials, Obama attempted to work with Republicans right up until the Aug. 4 deadline, but was ultimately left with no choice except to turn a year older.
Real but garbage media outlet,
World Net Daily—
Happy birthday? (love the question mark LOL!):
How much don't we know about Barack Obama as he nears the end of his third year of White House occupation?
Well, he claims today is his 50th birthday.
Yet, incredibly, it is still only an unsubstantiated claim – and, perhaps, more suspect than ever.
This was the year Obama finally yielded to pressure, largely from me, Jerome Corsi and a handful of other Americans, to release his so-called "long-form birth certificate" – the one he had been scrupulously hiding for so long. ... When he posted an image of this document last April on the White House website, the news industry fell all over itself proclaiming that all questions about his background had now been answered.
...While the media and the failed Washington political establishment would like it to just go away, that will never happen.
Not as long as I am around to sit on Obama's birthday cake.
Happy fucking birthday, Mr. President. Love, America.
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