There is a lot of bad news today.
The market closed with the Dow 634 points down. Verizon is fucking over its workers gilded age-style. The House has unceremoniously ended its page program. Rick Perry is going to run for president. Newsweek still can't report on female candidates without being sexist. The conflict in Syria continues to worsen. As does the famine in Africa. And there is rioting in London.
That's not even everything. It's like the world is falling apart. Or fixing to explode. Or something.
Iain and I were emailing about Operation Handbasket, Destination: Hell the other day, and Iain said: "Seems that the wavelength of human folly is tuned to hit peak amplitude at around the turn of every century." To which I could only reply: "OMG IT'S BEEN LIKE FIFTY YEARS SINCE A WORLD WARRRRRRR! LET US BREAK EVERYTHING!"
Anyway. I know a lot of people are feeling overwhelmed by how much shit is going on at the moment, whether it's actually more than usual or it just feels that way. And there's a lot of guilt going around about feeling disposed to stick one's head in the sand, or a game of Zuma. So I thought I'd open a thread for discussion.
If nothing else, at least we need not feel alone.
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