Dudley and Uncle Deeks, power-lounging.
Zelda and Uncle Deeks are totes BFFs now.
Deeks lies on the floor of my office, surrounded by the Cuddle Gang.
Sophie's got her eye on Deeks.
Tilsy hangs out between Deeks and Spudsy.
Sophie makes herself comfy in Uncle Spudsy's lap.
Zelda snuggles up with Kenny Blogginz.
Our favorite Pink Donut!
Our Talisman avatars engage in a little consensual oral play while we eat pie.
(That's what everyone said.)
Livs wonders why Uncle Deeks would ever stop brushing her when she loves it so much.
Sleepy Dogs after a trip to the dog park with Uncle Deeks.
Dudley appreciates Uncle Deeky making the bed all nice and warm for him.
Zelda is pooped from all the cuddling!
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