Daily Dose of Cute

Zelda and Matilda are arch-nemeses. This is because they are exactly alike, and both want to be sitting on top of me in exactly the same spot at all times. Zelda loves to antagonize Matilda by doing leaping play-bows at her, which she knows Tilsy hates, and Matilda loves to antagonize Zelda by hissing at her and punching her in the nose, which she knows Zelly hates.

This ongoing battle for mutual destruction results in many amusing stand-offs.

image of Matilda the Cat on the floor, looking up petulantly at Zelda the Mutt who is sitting on the couch next to me

Tilsy: I hate you, mongrel.

Zelly: You can hate me all you want. I'm the one on the couch in the BEST SPOT EVARRRR! Mwah ha ha ha!

image of Matilda turning to walk away

Tilsy: Whatever. I don't even want to sit there, anyway. You'll probably catch cooties from Two-Legs.

Zelly: I'll risk it. Seeya!

image of Matilda strolling into the kitchen
Tilsy retreats to the kitchen to plot her revenge.

A few days ago, the two of them were both jostling for position under the desk and got into a proper fight. (At least a proper fight for them, which means a lot of noisy, dramatic wrangling but no actual damage.) Ten minutes later, I was on the couch and they were both on top of me, one on either side of my lap, sound asleep.

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