After the Nofunningest Nofunners in all of Nofunnington complained about Johnny Depp comparing photo shoots to being raped, Depp has issued an apology:
"I am truly sorry for offending anyone in any way. I never meant to. It was a poor choice of words on my part in an effort to explain a feeling," Depp said in the statement. "I understand there is no comparison and I am very regretful. In an effort to correct my lack of judgment, please accept my heartfelt apology."Nope! Because the problem for which Depp needs to apologize isn't a "poor choice of words." It is instead a fundamental misunderstanding and repeated minimization of rape, which allows him to say bullshit like: "[Roman Polanski] is not a predator. He's 75 or 76 years old. He has got two beautiful kids, he has got a wife that he has been with for a long, long time. He is not out on the street."
When Depp wants to apologize for perpetuating the rape culture by engaging in rape apologia and using the language of sexual violence as his casual metaphor, then I'll be ready to accept his apology.
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