Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by a spoon. (There is no spoon!)

Recommended Reading:

Happy Fourth Blogiversary to Shaker Moderator Scott Madin!

Jos: Girl Scouts of Colorado Support Transgender Youth

Resistance: "At last, honors for the first black Marines."

Latoya: [TW for rape culture and gender essentialism] Because Amber Cole Is Just a Kid and Boys Learn to Be Boys

Adrienne: [TW for racism and appropriation] Open Letter to the PocaHotties and Indian Warriors This Halloween

Jorge: [TW for racism and racist violence] Teen Accused in James Anderson's Killing Linked to Other Hate Crimes

[Trigger warning for homophobia and anti-gay violence] I have been closely following news about the murder of Stuart Walker, a gay man who was murdered in Scotland, not just because I have gay family in Scotland, and not just because I regularly write about homophobic violence, but because of the multiple rumors surrounding the killing, including a teen girl gang originally being sought and the rape accusations against the victim by a convicted rapist. So much fuckery. So much to be deconstructed, I don't even know where to begin. See Andy here and here.

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