North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-Ightwingextremist) takes issue with people who claim that HR358, aka the "Let Women Die Act," is misogynist: "For my colleagues across the aisle who say this is a misogynist bill, nobody has ever fought more for the rights of women than I have."

Whoooooooooooooops: "As Raw Story notes, Foxx voted against women's health bills at least nine times in her congressional career, including a vote against funding for Planned Parenthood—an organization with the chief purpose of providing cancer screenings and sexually transmitted disease tests and treatment to low-income women. Along with lowering costs and free preventive care, the health care law also prohibits insurance companies from denying coverage women 'due to pre-existing conditions, such as cancer and having been pregnant.' Foxx, however, believes such health reforms pose a greater danger than 'any terrorist'."

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