More "Testifying" Fetuses on Parade

Earlier Liss posted about how HR 358 will be discussed Friday. To add to this asinine circus of reactionary horseshit, the Christian Defense Coalition will be taking over the Congressional Auditorium to broadcast sonograms Thursday. No, really:
On Thursday, Capitol Hill will be host to pregnant women who will undergo public sonograms, in part a plug for an anti-abortion-rights bill (PDF) recently introduced by presidential contender Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), which would mandate sonograms for women seeking abortions. The ultrasound event, called “Voices From the Womb,” sponsored by the Christian Defense Coalition, is scheduled to take place in the Congressional Auditorium and will feature live ultrasounds on women in their second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

“[F]or the first time in history the ‘voice’ of these children will be loudly heard in our nation’s capital!” reads the campaign website.

By the way, Rep. Bachmann, how are all those jobs coming along? Yeah. That's what I thought.

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