A newborn dolphin named Doerrte swims with its mother Delphi at the zoo in Duisburg, Germany, Monday, Oct. 17, 2011. The little bottlenose dolphin is one of three dolphin babies that were born at the same time last month at the zoo in the Ruhr valley. [AP Photo]When I was a little kid, I went through a stage where I was absolutely obsessed with dolphins. I don't know what started it, and I'm not sure why it faded—or even when, exactly. But for awhile, I had all kinds of dolphin crap: Dolphin stuffed toys, dolphin figurines, dolphin socks, and so many dolphin stickers in my sticker-book.
All I've got left of that collection now is a tiny etched cube, picturing two dolphins leaping into the ocean air.
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