Question of the Day

What is your favorite Halloween costume? It doesn't have to be one you've worn but can be one you've seen or the like.

Mine is this:

That would be me, in 1985 (so five years old), as a pear. My request, as I thought pears were MADE OF AWESOME. My mom (who was also MADE OF AWESOME) made the costume with two pieces of poster board that she colored in--front and back!--with pear-green marker and rigged string inside for it to hang on my shoulders and to tie at the sides. I was THRILLED with it. While I was out trick-or-treating a lady asked me if I was asparagus. AS IF! I was so indignant about that at the time, LOL!

My next favorite costume just may be this one where the little girl couldn't decide between "a princess" or "Darth Vader", so her dad combined the two: Princess Vader!

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