"The whole world is watching."—Occupy Wall Street protesters, today, as police started an altercation with protesters trying to march down Wall Street. (Note that police deny they started the altercation, and claim that protesters were throwing bags of garbage at them.)
A group of protesters headed south on Broadway toward the New York Stock Exchange, carrying their brooms. Police were taken off-guard, [reporter Steve Sandberg] reported. The group swelled quickly and wound up in a confrontation with police as they tried to gain access to Wall Street. The standoff occurred near Bowling Green as they turned left on Beaver Street.At least a dozen protesters have been arrested. The whole world is watching.
Police urged protesters to stay out of the street and stay on the sidewalk.
Police scooters were shaped like a V and moved toward the protesters in the standoff. One man lost his balance, and was run over by a police scooter.
"He was just walking and the cop ran him over," one witness said.
Police descended on the protester and got him out from under the bike. Some witnesses tell Sandberg the man was beaten during the arrest.
...Sandberg reported police clashed with some protesters, wielding their night sticks and batons.
First Precinct Commander Ed Winski checked a protester who refused to stay on the sidewalk. When the protester came back into the street, Winski hurled his megaphone down and wound up rolling around in the street with the protester, throwing punches. Other officers surrounded the two, throwing punches. The protester was arrested.
[AP Photos by Mary Altaffer.]
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