Quote of the Day
"This book right here, every Bible says, in Proverbs 1:7, 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.' … If you want education you better include the fear of God, if you want to be a good scientist you better include the fear of God, if you want to be a good musician—1962, '63, the US Supreme Court in three decisions said no more fear of God in education, we want education to be secular. All right, that's a theological issue. How's that working out? In 1962, '63, America was number one in the world in literacy, we are now number sixty-five in the world in literacy. We don't have the fear of the Lord, because guess what, we don't have knowledge, it goes down."—Solid logic from evangelical minister David Barton, who you also may know as the founder of WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to exposing as a myth the Constitutional basis for the separation of church and state, or as the former co-chair of the Republican Party of Texas.
Christian Supremacy,
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