In fact, you should all become a showgirl dance ensemble called the Whoopsycat Fails. All you need is some choreographed leg-kicks, because you already know how to stand in a line in matching outfits SO WELL.
Anyway! In case you don't feel like reading the complete transcript, or have better things to do with your time, like draw mayonnaise paintings on the walls of your cubicle, here is my totally accurate paraphrase of the debate: Blah blah blah 9-9-9 blah blah blah taxes blah blah blah families blah blah blah taxes blah blah blah Herman, I love you, brother, but let me tell you something blah blah blah apples and oranges blah blah blah taxes blah blah blah apples and oranges blah blah blah taxes blah blah blah SO MANY APPLES AND ORANGES blah blah blah abolish the tax code blah blah blah Obama stinks blah blah blah income mobility blah blah blah manufacturing base blah blah blah Romneycare blah blah blah Obamacare blah blah blah Hillarycare blah blah blah illegals blah blah blah you have a problem with allowing someone to finish speaking blah blah blah electrified fence blah blah blah 14th amendment blah blah blah family, faith, marriage blah blah blah Yucca Mountain blah blah blah let the market work blah blah blah moms blah victims blah class warfare blah values blah religion blah defense blah debt bubble blah we cannot negotiate with terrorists blah cut all foreign aid blah Ronald Reagan blah maximizing bickering blah. The End.
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