Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Saltines.

Recommended Reading:

Helen: [TW for transphobia; violence] Transgender Europe's Trans Murder Monitoring Project Reveals 221 Killings of Trans People in the Last 12 Months

Cherry: [TW for misogyny; rape culture] A Degree in Sexism

Brian: A Message to My Fellow Male Fat Admirers

Latoya: Quoted: Jaswinder Bolina on Poetry, and Writing Through Identity

Jay: [Video; transcript will be at link when available.] My TEDx Talk, "How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Discussing Race."

Andy: [Video] Gay Couple Talks About Their 6 Decades of Commitment and Love

Renee: [TW for holocaust and rape "joke"] Ricky Gervais Continues to Be an Asshole

Dustin: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the RPatz (This is precisely why I have loved Emo Prince all along! He is The Best!)

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