
President Obama issues veto threat on attempt to repeal net-neutrality rules:
President Obama will veto an attempt to repeal the Federal Communications Commission's net-neutrality rules if it passes the Senate, the White House said in a news release Tuesday.

"TheAdministration strongly opposes Senate passage of S.J. Res. 6, which would undermine a fundamental part of the nation's Open Internet and innovation strategy — an enforceable, effective but flexible policy for keeping the Internet free and open," the White House said.

..."It would be ill-advised to threaten the very foundations of innovation in the Internet economy and the democratic spirit that has made the Internet a force for social progress around the world," the White House said in its release. "If the President is presented with S.J. Res. 6, which would not safeguard the free and open Internet, his senior advisers would recommend that he veto the Resolution."

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