Wank Swap: S1 E4

Note: If you're a lot like me, you're probably wondering why today's episode doesn't refer to the very latest developments in global economic wankery. Unfortunately, Wank Swap has a rather long production cycle. Between calming the egos involved and finding technicians to work our very pricey photographic voice capture device, our lead time is months. (I'm making these after work on Fridays, when I'm extra punchy.)

I'm sure if Shakesville's board of directors picks up its option for another season of Wank Swap, the show will revisit certain European leaders' outrage over the sudden outbreak of democracy in Greece OF ALL PLACES. Or at least it will if French President Nicolas Sarkozy finds a way out of the Detroit airport.

Today's episode of Wank Swap is brought to you by Fiat, makers of fine luxury cars since last month when we hired J-Lo.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pitches a familiar proposal
to the island nation of Australia.
[Brewer stands in front of Uluru Ayer's rock, asking "Have you tried building a wall?"]


Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard faces a
restless crowd at a California Barnes & Noble.
[The crowd chants "We want Opie!"]

Previously: Season Preview, S1 E1, S1 E2, S1 E3

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