[Click to embiggen.]
Recently, there have been a bunch of comments/emails from people saying they'd like calendars featuring the furry residents of Shakes Manor. I am pretty dubious about investing time to create swag upon request, because it hasn't gone well before, but there seems to be some interest in calendars, so I spent time last weekend creating a couple of options.
There are wall calendars of just the cats, just the dogs, and (as seen above) all five, as well as single-sheet calendars featuring each of them individually.
You can buy them here. I get a couple of bucks with each purchase.
It's just the calendars for right now. I know people have expressed interest in t-shirts and additional items featuring other Shakesville-related stuff, too; if there's enough interest in the calendars, I'll spend some more time filling out the shop with other items.
Thanks in advance to anyone who makes a purchase at the Shakesville Shop!
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