This is a good article about Chelsea Clinton in the New York Times. Too bad about that dud of a closing quote from Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf, though. Amy Chozick should have given the last word to Chelsea Clinton, who says the most interesting things about Chelsea Clinton in the piece. She is very self-aware!
This is an extremely moving piece by Yasmine El Rashidi in the New York Review of Books, titled "Choosing Egypt's Future," about the elections in Egypt. Egypt's future remains uncertain, and it is refreshing to read the perspective of that uncertainty from a woman who stood in line six hours to vote, since so much of the available punditry, is, typically, provided by white male outsiders.
And this is a fun interview with comedian Jim Gaffigan, who is one of my favorites (and not just because we grew up about 10 minutes apart). I don't believe I've ever seen a male comedian give credit to his wife as a writing partner before, unless they were co-performers (e.g. Stiller and Meara), even though Jeannie Noth Gaffigan is certainly not the first woman whose writing talents have assisted a husband's career.
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