Open Thread

A Cyberman Time Squad Action Figure

Hosted by a Cyberman.

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The Virtual Pub Is Open

image of a pub photoshopped to be named 'The Ron Swanson Inn'
[Explanations: lol your fat. pathetic anger bread. hey your gay.]

TFIF, Shakers!

Belly up to the bar,
and name your poison!

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Fat Woman with a Pixie Cut

So, one of the things about living in a culture that despises fat bodies is that fat women (and fat men, too) are expected—especially by corporate employers—to be at least as stylish and put together as not-fat people, and usually even more so, since any evidence of being unfashionable while fat carries with it all kinds of moral judgment, too—she's lazy, she doesn't even try, she doesn't care about herself. If you're fat and unstylish, you're not just unhip: You're frumpy, sloppy, indolent, dirty, gross.

In addition to all the usual impediments to being fashionable that everyone faces—e.g. it takes some money to be fashionable, even if you're a spectacular thrifter, and it takes time and effort and energy that not everyone has—fat women's new clothing is more expensive than not-fat women's clothing, and fat women have fewer second-hand options, because we tend to hang onto things until they're falling apart, given the difficulty of replacing a loved item that fits well on a fat body.

So we've got a more demanding expectation to "show some effort" in putting ourselves together, but greater barriers to achieving that goal. And then there's this: We're asked to understand what looks good on our bodies, while virtually never actually seeing bodies like ours in magazines, films, television series, runway shows, or anywhere else where women are meant to turn for style guidance.

This cavernous void of fat fashionplates was evident (again) when I was thinking about cutting off my hair a couple of weeks ago. I haven't had a pixie-length cut since I was 11 years old, and I wanted a change from my ever-present bob, which I've had in various lengths for nearly 20 years. I was pretty sure I wanted a pixie cut, but, having internalized for many, many, many years the message that fat girls shouldn't have short hair, I did a little googling to seek out images of fat women with pixie cuts: What could I expect to look like?

I quickly discovered that I was more likely to find this image of Val Kilmer than I was an actual picture of an actual fat woman with short hair. I also found a lot of images of any vaguely round-faced actress: Ginnifer Goodwin came up a lot. This was not the result for which I'd hoped when searching for fat women with pixie cuts.

All my life, I'd been told that my face was too fat for short hair, and now Google Images seemed to be telling me the same thing.

Where are we, we fat women, we epidemically fat women? Where are my sisters? I want to see them.

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Know What You Need?


The Doors* cover an embellished Reading Rainbow theme.

*by "The Doors" I mean Jimmy Fallon & crew. Sorry 'bout the ad before, no other good videos without any

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Daily Dose of Cute

Doggies at Battlestations:

Zelda lies beside me on the couch with her chin on my leg

Zelda: "I will be RIGHT HERE if you need me. RIGHT HERE. I am not moving as long as you feel less than perfect. Just whatever you need, you let me know. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be RIGHT HERE."

Dudley lies on the loveseat fast asleep with his tongue hanging out

Dudley: "Yeah, me too, totally. I'm going to be right he—zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

This was pretty much the dog-scene at Shakes Manor for the past week. It's funny how each of the animals had their own way of being supportive: Olivia, who is normally sticking her ass in my face demanding attention anytime she's within two feet of me, has been hovering close, just keeping an eye on me. Sophie magically appears every time I get a particularly strong wave of nausea, as if figuratively offering to hold my hair. Matilda shows up to sit on me whenever I get chilled—and the jockeying for position in which she and Zelly typically engage has been set aside. For now, ahem. *raised eyebrow*

In an extremely fortunate bit of timing, the fence we had put in the backyard (rendered an expensive necessity by the ongoing construction which will soon leave us with no sidewalks at all, not even crappy ones, for as long as six months) was completed just days before I got ill, so instead of having to walk the dogs, I was able to let them out into the newly-fenced garden. They love it like whoa, basically believing they've now got their own private dog park, and they jet out the back door like two shots when it's time to go out.

But when I was feeling rubbishy, they ambled out slowly and stood beside me, looking up at me. "Go on, go pee," I told them. Zelda squatted where she stood, and peed in a pile of leaves, never taking her eyes off of me. "Go on!" I laughed, waving them into the yard. They stood next to me. Dudley peed against the edge of the stone patio. "Go play!" I said. If dogs could shake their heads, they would have. Nuh-uh, Two-Legs. We ain't going anywhere.

I turned to go back inside, figuring if I left them, they'd play. I closed the screen door behind me, and turned to shut the storm door. There they sat, on the other side of the screen door, patiently waiting to be let back in. "Go on, I'm fine!" I assured them.

Dudley whined. Zelda nudged the door with her nose. I opened it and let them in.

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Neo-Nazi Murders in Germany

I'll start this one with a general trigger warning: much of what will be discussed here could be triggering, from Neo-Nazis, to their racist murders and attacks, and suicide. Please take appropriate care of yourself in reading this piece.

Shaker The Bald Soprano wrote me in German a couple of days ago, pointing me to a couple of links at the Suddeutsche Zeitung (a well-known German newspaper): first, to an overview page about Right-wing Terror (German language, possibly-triggering images), and the second, to a chilling article (German language, TW; Guardian article in English here) about a list of 88* people on a "hit list" of a Neo-Nazi terror cell based in Zwickau, in the former East Germany. This is alarmingly common in that region: only a few months ago I reported on a wonderful con job pulled by a social justice group against a Neo-Nazi rock concert's attendees, also in Thuringia**.

On the list were many prominent Turkish and Islamic people, and two senior politicians from Munich. The two men and one woman accused of having been in the terror cell came to the police's attention (the latest time: at least one law enforcement agent has been linked to the two and one of their murders, possibly explaining why they were able to evade capture for thirteen years) when the two men were cornered after a chase following a bank robbery, and decided to kill themselves rather than be captured. Meanwhile at their home in Zwickau, a young woman rescued her two cats before the home she shared with the two men exploded, after which she disappeared. Turning herself in a few days later, she admitted to being the third member of the terror cell.

The cell is believed to have carried out at least ten murders (including a police officer), fourteen bank robberies, and at least two nailbomb attacks. I'm not using their names here because I believe that people like this deserve to have their crimes remembered and their names forgotten.

Questions - BIG questions - are now being raised in Germany: how this could have gone on for so long, how the so-called "Doner"-killers*** could have been so badly misprofiled as the police agencies' "Operation Bosphorus" might suggest, how many other groups like this are out there and possibly being protected by rogue law-enforcement agents? Should Germany ban the NDP, which is the extreme right's "acceptable" face? Should a national database of right-wing extremists be constructed to help law enforcement? How is Germany going to move forward and provide reasonable surety of safety to targeted groups?

Up to now, Germany has taken a stand against right-wing extremism by bans: bans on Nazi gear, expressions, songs, anything associated with the Nazis. It might be time to move beyond the focus on the superficial aspects - I'm not saying they should end the bans! - and begin to look into organizing the people against these extremists, rather than letting the public sleepily assume that there's no real problem.

Go after them where they are, not where they were.

* "88" is important to Neo-Nazis because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, and thus "88" is a dogwhistle for "Heil Hitler".

** Thuringia is one of the eastern areas with a notable concentration of right-wing extremism. Many Thuringers, of course, are not right-wing at all, but there is an alarming number of incidents that originate or occur there.

*** Many of the killings were of vendors at kebab stands, targeted as "non-Germans" in the very same way Jews, gays, Roma, and other "undesirables" were targeted in the 30s. This ain't no moral vacuum, here.

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Happy Birthday or Whatever

So, I heard today is scatx's birthday, and even though she's one of your typical women's studies feminoids, she and I have one pretty important thing in common: Our undiluted red-white-and-blue patriot-love for Great American Hero Ron Swanson, star of the NBC documentary series Parks and Recreation, which is about some super-earnest ladynerd in Indiana (not Liss).

Any friend of Ron Swanson's is a friend of mine, man. So in honor of scatx's birthday, but mostly in honor of Ron Swanson and the greatest goddamn mustache that has ever lived atop a lip, here are my five favorite Ron Swanson gifs. Enjoy!

Number One: Infinite Swanson

neverending Ron Swanson, as the top of Ron's hair becomes his mustache to infinity

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Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Saltines.

Recommended Reading:

Helen: [TW for transphobia; violence] Transgender Europe's Trans Murder Monitoring Project Reveals 221 Killings of Trans People in the Last 12 Months

Cherry: [TW for misogyny; rape culture] A Degree in Sexism

Brian: A Message to My Fellow Male Fat Admirers

Latoya: Quoted: Jaswinder Bolina on Poetry, and Writing Through Identity

Jay: [Video; transcript will be at link when available.] My TEDx Talk, "How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Discussing Race."

Andy: [Video] Gay Couple Talks About Their 6 Decades of Commitment and Love

Renee: [TW for holocaust and rape "joke"] Ricky Gervais Continues to Be an Asshole

Dustin: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the RPatz (This is precisely why I have loved Emo Prince all along! He is The Best!)

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Deep Blue Something: "Breakfast At Tiffany's"

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Occupy Everywhere & Economic News Round-Up

an Occupy Wall Street protestor is shoved by police, making arrests in NYC
An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator is pushed out of the way by police officers as they make an arrest during what protest organizers called a day of action in New York November 17, 2011. New York police prevented protesters from shutting down Wall Street on Thursday, arresting more than 200 people in repeated clashes with an unexpectedly small but spirited Occupy Wall Street rally. [Reuters Pictures]
Here's some of what I've been reading this morning...

New York Times200 Are Arrested as Protesters Clash With the Police:
Thousands of protesters across the country flooded streets, squares, bridges and banks on Thursday, snarling traffic and often clashing with the police in a show of support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, two months to the day after the demonstration began.

In Lower Manhattan, protesters tossed aside metal barricades to converge again on Zuccotti Park after failing in an attempt to shut down the New York Stock Exchange. In Los Angeles, more than 20 protesters were arrested after ignoring orders to vacate streets. In Denver, 100 protesters marched by government buildings and intersections, bringing traffic to a standstill.

Organized weeks ago, the so-called day of action came two days after the police cleared the Occupy Wall Street encampment from Zuccotti Park in Manhattan in an early morning raid. After the protesters were ousted from the park that had become their de facto headquarters, a judge agreed that they could return later that day, albeit without their camping gear. They looked to Thursday to gauge the support and mettle that the movement had retained.

"We failed to close the stock exchange, but we took back our park," said Adam Farooqui, 25, of Queens. "That was a real victory."
Reuters—Authorities foil NY protest bid to shut Wall Street:
After tempers among police and protesters flared throughout the day, crowds grew larger and more festive after dark.

"This is a great night for a revolution. I've never seen anything like this in my entire life," said Daniel Reynolds, 34, a financial analyst at a venture capital firm, who joined the protests for the first time on Thursday.
Democracy Now!—Paramilitary Policing of Occupy Wall Street: Excessive Use of Force amidst the New Military Urbanism: Video with transcript at link.

Aren't you just DESPERATE to know what Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich think of Occupy Wall Street?! Of course you are! Aren't you just SHOCKED to hear that they don't like it?! What a surprisey-surprise! Herman Cain naturally thinks that the Occupy Wall Street protestors are "trying to destroy the greatest nation in the world," and Newt Gingrich, professional hater of democracy, obviously took the familiar route of demonizing citizen action, suggesting protestors should be jailed, and echoing Cain's sentiment by accusing OWS protestors of wanting "to tear down our country." What a thrilling exhibition of cutting-edge conservative thought!

Speaking of which...

CNN—Bachmann gives students a 101 on issues, then gets lectured:
With the air of a college instructor, Michele Bachmann essentially gave college students a Conservative 101 on the economy, national and foreign affairs and other important issues on Thursday in Iowa. But when the Republican presidential candidate took questions, some students turned the tables on their lecturer, peppering her with tough questions.

...As she criticized specifics of the nation's health care law, one student shouted: "So screw the sick and homeless?"

"Who said that?" Bachmann asked.

"You have," the student said.

"You could not be further from the truth," Bachmann shot back. "You're looking at someone who lived below poverty. Have you ever lived at that?"

Bachmann continued: "I know what I had to do. I got a job. That's what you need to do. You need to figure out how to get a job and make your way."

Paul Krugman checks in with SuperCongress.

Sarah Palin talks nonsense.

Newt Gingrich is a corporate shill. Who knew!

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to leave links to stuff you're reading/writing in comments.

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Open Thread

A Davros Time Squad Action Figure

Hosted by Davros. Isn't he cute?

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Question of the Day

When was the last time you used Scotch tape?

The day before yesterday, but I had to dig through every drawer in my desk before I found the little green dispenser.

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What Privilege Sounds Like FIFA Edition Part II: The Emdiggening

Whoo. As I reported yesterday, FIFA President Sepp Blatter gave his rich white man's opinion on racism in football; in short, his opinion was that there wasn't any, and anyway racist abuse was understandable in the heat of the game, and that players should shake hands and forget the "foul play" in the game at the end.

Understandably, there has been a LOT of unhappiness about this. One of the incidents which led to Blatter's astonishing denial of reality was Chelsea player and former England captain John Terry's racist abuse of Queen's Park Rangers' Anton Ferdinand (who is Black) during a game recently. Caught on camera, Terry has roundly denied what he was filmed doing. Of course.

Anton's older brother Rio, who also plays for England (as well as Manchester United), tweeted in disbelief:

@SeppBlatter your comments on racism are so condescending its almost laughable. If fans shout racist chants but shake our hands is that ok?
Blatter couldn't let that stand without taking up his shovel, so he responded with a tweet showing (no, I'm really not kidding) a picture of himself with South African minister Tokyo Sexwale, who is (anyone surprised?) Black, and repeated how much effort he puts into anti-discrimination.

Ferdinand again:
@SeppBlatter to say what you said about racism in football spoke volumes of your ignorance to the subject.
Elsewhere, the head of England's* Professional Footballers' Association, the union for players, has called for Blatter's resignation over this (and I heartily agree).

Blatter has issued another "clarification" in which he said he was misunderstood, then basically repeated his comments from the first interview. I think what he's clarified is that he doesn't have a fucking clue, and never did. His thesis is that because there was a World Cup in Africa this er, last summer, racism is now over! Woohoo! He's very disappointed that we didn't all get the message.

So, here's me recommending action. FIFA has a contact form here, in English (French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Arabic are also available). Use it to let them know what you think of the President's racist bullshit, and why he should step down, immediately.

* I say "England" rather than Britain because in football, the four "Home Countries" have a special status, with each (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England) having one of the eight votes on the FIFA ruling committee (I can't remember the details of what it's called, but it's the ultimate authority in football). Also, they each maintain a separate league and national team.

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An Observation

Being away from the news for nearly an entire week, when I'm normally immersed in it all day every day, made me feel for a moment like I'd missed an entire century.

Then I started getting caught up on the news—kyriarchal clusterfuckery, police brutality, Democrats are craven, Republicans think tax cuts will solve everything, a Woody Woodpecker remake—and I realize I didn't miss a thing. It's all just the same old shit.

Which could be paralyzingly depressing, I suppose, but, eternal optimist that I am, I'm going with "at least it didn't get any worse!"

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Just FYI

netflix queue

Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 is at the top of my Qwikster queue. Updates as they develop!

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Daily Dose of Cute

Rory, a rat terrier, stands on a wicker chair on a porch, the queen of all she surveys

Rory guards Granny & Grandpa's house against the lawnmower.

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Top Chef: Texas Open Thread

Who is watching this disaster? Oof. Seriously, I warned everyone that this season would be chock full of Texas clichés and I wasn't wrong. First challenge of the competition was to cook rattlesnake. Of course. Yawn! Also, how much do I love that we don't even get to our first challenge until episode three? Hint: I don't love it one bit. Those first two weeks? Yeah, a complete waste of everyone's time. Don't do that again, thanks.

Spoilers below.

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Pondering over-the-top exemptions and going-too-far denials of coverage...

Cross-posted from

Shall we?

I just read this editorial in the New York Times and I’m disgusted.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is roaming the halls of power in Washington, DC…and, unlike the rest of us average folk, it seems they can easily get whatever they want.

A few years ago, they were drafting amendments to attack access to reproductive healthcare and I’m betting they never left the Hill…just camped out and kept working their relationships until an opportunity to impose their ridged interpretation of healthcare on us all presented itself.

That opportunity came in the form of the new Head Party In Charge in the House. Yep, House Republicans and the Bishops are BFFs…and they are now pressuring the Obama administration to radically expand the refusal clause in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The expansion proposed by the Bishops and their Congressional minions would mean that millions of women would then be denied access to affordable birth control.

And no, the Bishops and those minions do not have a point when it comes to religious protections in ACA. It already contains a substantial refusal clause that exempts certain religious employers that have religious values as the purpose of the organization, primarily employ persons who share the religious tenets of the organization, serve primarily persons who share the religious tents of the organization, and are nonprofit organizations.

And the choir asked… “So what the hell else do these Bishops and minions want?!?”

And a bitch replied… “Glad you asked, choir! They want to be able to deny access to affordable birth control to folks who work at a religious affiliated hospital, school, charity or university. We’re talking about nurses, secretaries, teachers, and other workers.”

My people call that "wrong".

A few weeks ago I wrote about the impact of expanded exemptions just like the one being pushed hard in DC right now. A family in Missouri had insurance through the Catholic school they work at…they have a child diagnosed with Down Syndrome and autism…Missouri passed autism insurance reform…the family sought coverage for needed and necessary therapies…and they got flat out denied.

Yes, denied…REFUSED coverage…and the reason cited by the Catholic affiliated insurance company for refusing to adhere to our state’s new autism insurance reform mandate…

…wait for it!

They are exempt ‘cause they are a church.



That’s what exemption feels like.



That’s what over-the-top exemptions and going-too-far denials of coverage unfold like in the real world and in the lives of average folk.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' control over policy development in America must stop and it must stop now.

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Occupy Wall Street Open Thread

Daily Kos is reporting that mashed potatoes and accordions (see above) are being denied entrance into Zuccotti Park by police. I don't even know what is going on with our country anymore.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Billy Ray Cyrus: "Achy Breaky Heart"

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It's Alive!

Hi, Shakers. As many of you know, I've been sick for almost a week now with some kind of stomach flu or food contamination-related garbage belly or possible intestinal demonic possession, during which time I've been sleeping approximately 18 hours a day and spending my meager waking hours out of my fucking head with dehydration-induced brain-bedlam.

At one point, while cradling my new BFF, Blue Bucket, I heard Dudley puking somewhere else in the house, and I imagined, briefly, that we were both dying and I needed to procure a Speak 'n' Spell that he might dismantle and use to contact his people.

Anyway! I managed to digest something other than a Saltine last night, for the first time in six days, and my fever finally broke, which has somewhat diminished the light-headed dizziness that's been keeping me off the computer. Until now, I've not even been able to read the news. So I'm going to try to get some work done today; I'll start with my email, which is an ungodly mess, and hopefully will get back to posting later in the day.

Twice already, I've thought I was on the mend, only to be viciously plunged back into the depths of whatever vengeful bug has gripped me, so this may turn out to be a premature rumor of my return. But I am hopeful! And hope springs eternal, unlike, one hopes, this goddamn persistent gutfuck.

I'm still getting an agonizing stomachache anytime I try to eat or drink anything, but I've nonetheless felt like I'm on an upswing ever since I was walking up the stairs to bed the other night and my pants fell down. "Oh the humanity!" I said, and tried to laugh, but burst into tears instead. Nadir, thy name is pantslessness.

My profound thanks to the contributors and mods for all their extra work while I was ill. My appreciation is truly boundless.

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Open Thread

A Dalek Sec Time Squad Action Figure

Hosted by Lil' Dalek Sec.

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Question of the Day

What's your favorite side dish?

Potatoes for me, in any form, but especially french freedom fries.

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You Know What You Need?

A pair of My Little Ponies singing a medley of showtunes, including "Defying Gravity" from Wicked.

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Perry and "Personhood"

So this happened yesterday:

Question off camera: Um, I'd like to clarify whether you agree or disagree with Mitt Romney regarding the personhood amendment?

Perry: Let, let me tell you what I believe in. I'm pro-life. Been pro-life all my life. Uh. (pause) As the governor of Texas I don't know if there's, uh, anyone who has been engaged more issues that have been, uh, protective of life. Uhm. And parental consent, parental notification, this last session of legislature we passed a law that, uh, says if a female is to receive an abortion she, ah, has to have a sonogram before that procedure can occur. Uhm, I happen believe in putting justices on the Supreme Court that are pro-life. And....Roe versus Wade would, ah, be found to be unconstitutional, it would go back to the states. Until! There would be a constitutional amendment to the United States that would clearly defend life and that life would be from the time of conception until death. I would support that. Uh, and....(pause)...that a pro-life amendment in a constitutional way is the way that this issue is finally addressed. So, uh, I have always been very consistent, uh, on the issue of life and will continue to be in the, ah, men and women who I would ask to serve on the United States Supreme Court would be strict constructionists and they would find nothing in the United States constitution dealing with the issues of, ah, abortion. That would go back to the states and the state could decide those issues up until the time there would be a United States constitution to protect life, which I would be supportive of.

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Coming Soon To A Theater Near You

star wars 3d poster
(Click image to engage tractor beam.)

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D

Note the conspicuous absence of Anakin and Jar Jar on the poster. Anakin is briefly seen in the new trailer, which makes the movie look terrible in three dimensions. Also note that if this release tanks, the other five films will not be given the 3D treatment. Whoops!

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This is a real thing in the world.


Baconlube™, which bills itself as "the world's first bacon-flavored personal lubricant and massage oil." $11.99 a bottle or $59.99 for six. It's probably less messy than repurposing your bacon grease.

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Daily Dose of Cute

Rory dreams about tennis balls in a psychedelic wonderland.

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Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by bootstraps. Find your own blogs to read!

Leave your links in comments...

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What Privilege Sounds Like, FIFA Edition

(TW for racism and apologia)

Sepp Blatter, embattled head of FIFA under constant complaint of corruption, has spoken out yesterday on a number of recent racism incidents (note that these are only incidents from the past couple of WEEKS), saying that:

"I would deny it. There is no racism, there is maybe one of the players towards another, he has a word or a gesture which is not the correct one, but also the one who is effected by that, he should say that this is a game.

"We are in a game, and at the end of the game, we shake hands, and this can happen, because we have worked so hard against racism and discrimination. I think the whole world is aware of the efforts we are making against racism and discrimination.

"And, on the field of play sometimes you say something that is not very correct, but then at the end of the game, the game is over and you have the next game where you can behave better."
Tl;dr version: "We're working really hard, so you should cut us some slack, because obviously anyone who plays a competitive game can be expected to spew racist insults!"

Um, no, Mr. Blatter. A lot of us manage to get through all kinds of high-stress, competitive situations without dehumanizing our adversaries. It's fairly simple, really: you just don't call people racist names. There. See how easy that was?

And speaking as a referee who has, on more than one occasion, shown red cards to players for racist behaviour on the pitch, I can say with absolute certainty that racism is an ENORMOUS problem in our beloved sport, and a horrendous blight on The Beautiful Game.

I think it's clear from your statement that the only reason you're not spewing racist bullshit yourself is that you're a canny politician, and that means you need the support of some of those same people you'd otherwise sneer at. But self-interest is not a pass for racism, and you, a white man with enormous power, don't get to tell POC that they should just smile and take it.

FIFA needs to get out of the rectal haberdashery game, and into the "getting rid of this overprivileged shitbag we have running this place" game.

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Transmomentum in Massachusetts!

Well, after some late wrangling joined the House and Senate bills, the House passed the new combined resolution (3810) last night, and the Senate passed it this morning by voice vote (thanks to Shakers DonnaL Wench and gidgetcommando for those updates - my mistake on the attribution, thanks to DonnaL for pointing it out).

As pointed out in yesterday's comment thread, this is an imperfect bill, but it's still a step forward, and I want to commend the representatives in MA for their courage in doing the right thing, and thank those who contacted those representatives in support of this bill.

We may not be running pell-mell into the future, but we're definitely shuffling forwards.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Starship: "We Built This City"

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Quote of the Day

[TW for disordered eating.]

"By calling girls like me fat this is what you're doing to other people."Miley Cyrus, on her twitter, responding to critics of her new, plumper body, by posting a picture of an emaciated woman. (The photo is at the above link, and fair warning, it is graphic and NSFW and likely triggering for some folks.) Miley followed up with a tweet stating "I don't wanna be shaped like a girl I LOVE being shaped like a WOMAN."

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The Walking Thread


Okay, so, yeah, about that hayloft... Your thoughts?

(Spoilers lurch undeadly herein.)

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Occupy Wall Street Open Thread

[TW for violence.]

Police in Seattle cracked down on peaceful protesters last night, pepper spraying a pregnant 19-year-old and an 84-year-old woman.

A Seattle police spokesman said he didn't have details on the incident, but he noted that pepper spray is "is not age specific. No more dangerous to someone who is 10 or someone who is 80."

Okay then.

Discuss this and other Occupy-related stories. And share your links!

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Open Thread

An Ood Time Squad Action Figure

Hosted by an Ood.

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Question of the Day

Got any plans for the evening? I'm doing laundry. Funtimes!

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Daily Dose of Cute


Jack snoozes.

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Don't Let Yer Badgers Grow Up To Be Weasels*

This morning, Wisconsinites officially began collecting signatures to recall Governor Scott Walker.

The Wisconsin State Journal:

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin hosted a petition pickup party Monday night, and more than 40 recall supporters wore party hats and blew kazoos as they counted down the final seconds before 12:01 a.m.

Margaret Kraegy, 49, walked out of the Democratic office at 330 E. Wilson St. with petition in hand by 12:25 a.m. Kraegy, a heavy equipment operator for the Madison Parks Division, said she had to start circulating petitions because the legislation passed under Walker's watch has harmed her family and coworkers.

"I'm taking off work a half-hour early tomorrow so I'm not collecting signatures on city time," Kraegy said.

Of course, folks have been working on this tirelessly on since early this year when Walker and the state GOP circumvented the state constitution to please their corporate masters.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the kind of activism that keeps me moving.

On a tangential and personal note, over the past several months, I've made arrangements to leave academia and move with my family back to our adopted hometown of Madison in time to whip up some pre-recall jello salad. I'm sure at some point I'll have tons to say about the academy (hoo-boy), about Syracuse, and about moving home. Right now, I'm just tired.

But damn, as much as I love a lot of things about Syracuse (you wouldn't know it from my writing, but it's true), I'm so fucking excited to move back to a place where post it notes are a vital tool in the fight for democracy.

If you want to learn more about how to help with the recall effort, visit United Wisconsin.

*Screenprinting, fuck yeah.

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Oklahoma City Council Adds Sexual Orientation to Anti-Discrimination Statutes

The Oklahoma City Council voted today on an anti-discrimination measure. It passed 7-2.

The measure adds sexual orientation to the list of protected equal employment opportunity classes. In advocating for his measure, Oklahoma City Councilman Ed Shadid said his instinct as a businessman is to provide protection to everyone.

Tom Vineyard, pastor at Windsor Hills Baptist Church, said half of all murders in large cities are committed by gay people.

Of course he said that.

Nice job, Oklahoma City Council.

[Via Andy.]

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Occupy Wall Street Open Thread

NYC Mayor Bloomberg had Zuccotti Park raided by police last night, choosing the late hour "to reduce the risk of confrontation in the park, and to minimize disruption to the surrounding neighborhood."

Hours later an injunction was issued against the city, allowing the protesters to return to the park.

At a morning news conference at City Hall, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city knew about the court order but had not seen it and would go to court to fight it. He said the city wants to protect people's rights, but if a choice must be made, it will protect public safety.

Yes, Bloomberg believes your Constitutional rights are expendable for the sake of "public safety."

Leave your links and comments below.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Right Said Fred: "I'm Too Sexy"

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Trans* Teaspoon Opportunity in Massachusetts

With my thanks to Shaker Hellianne for the tip, the Massachusetts State Legislature is to vote on a (watered-down) trans* rights bill today. Time to render a thousand-teaspoon salute.

If you're a voter in Massachusetts, today would be a great day to contact your representatives in state government.

There's a list of representatives and their contact info here; a map which can help determine which district you're in is here.

Copies of the Bill's House and Senate versions are at the links.

Thanks again to Shaker Hellianne for the tip. If you're in MA, please consider making the effort to help my trans* siblings today.

Update: Shaker Wench, in comments, dropped a link to some sample scripts from the Mass Trans Political Coalition here.

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Open Thread

A Weeping Angel Time Squad Action Figure

Hosted by a Weeping Angel. Don't blink!

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Question of the Day

What is your favorite tool?

I don't go through a day without reaching for my 8-inch chef's knife. I am also very fond of my seam ripper.

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Kotex Tampons Recalled Due to Bacterial Contamination


If you've got Kotex tampons at home, check your boxes: Kimberly-Clark, Kotex's parent company, has recalled the brand's Natural Balance Security Unscented Tampons (Regular Absorbency) in both the 18- and 36-count boxes, reports the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The recalled tampons were sold at select Walmart stores in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico and Texas; select Fry's stores in Arizona; and select Smith's stores in Utah and Arizona.

During the manufacturing process, the tampons were contaminated with the bacterium Enterobacter sakazakii, which can cause UTIs, pelvic inflammatory disease, and potentially life-threatening vaginal infections. There is also a chance that the bacteria can be transmitted between individuals.

Consumers should stop using the tampons immediately and contact a physician if you have used them, or if you experience unusual vaginal discharge, rash, fever, headache, vomiting or abdominal pain, particularly if you have AIDS, are HIV-positive, are pregnant or have cancer or any other existing serious illness.

Consumers should also contact Kimberly-Clark’s Consumer Services Division at 1-800-335-6839 so the necessary information and arrangements can be made to retrieve the unused product.

A full list of products is available at the original post.

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Daily Dose of Cute


Jack chews on Juniper's tail. Nom nom nom.

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Monday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by Shaxco Internet Marketing Solutions. Buy two large pizzas for your next Atlas Shrugged party, and we'll throw in Kenny G for free!

Amanda: [TW: Sexual Harrasment] Yes, Katie, there is sexual harassment

Angus: [TW: Police Brutality] On Margo Bennett, “Linked Arms,” and Police Violence at the University of California

Chloe: Shaming and taming teenage girls

The Columbia Journalism Review: What About Modesto?

Crystal: Stopping Police and DAs from Using Condoms to Convict Sex Workers

Flavia: [TW: Violence and Racist Images] If you protest racism during Black Face season in The Netherlands, you will be beaten up and arrested

Monica: Olympic Gender Drama- The Press Sisters

Penny Red: Dropping out won't fix the world

Leave your links in comments...

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Reproductive Rights Updates

Back in July I had posted about how the NC legislature overrode Gov. Perdue's veto of various abortion-related restrictions, one of which being a mandatory ultrasound law. A day before it was to become law, Judge Catherine C. Eagles put a temporary ban on the law:

In her opinion, Catherine C. Eagles, a judge with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, said the plaintiffs proved that their claims probably would be successful.

"Having demonstrated that the [law] likely poses a direct threat to their fundamental constitutional rights, the plaintiffs also have established that they would be irreparably harmed. Furthermore, it is in the public interest for statutes that likely violate fundamental constitutional rights to be enjoined from being enforced," she said.


I don't even know what to say about this: Radical Anti-Choice Group Puts Out "All Points Bulletin" to "Track" Pregnant Woman. From Andy's post:
This is an All Points Bulletin – an APB! – issued by radical Wisconsin anti-choice group Vigil for Life to track down a pregnant woman seeking services at Planned Parenthood. Yes, you read that correctly.

The young woman came to Madison but by the time she arrived Planned Parenthood was closed. Unfortunately, Vigil for Life is setting up a crisis pregnancy center right across the street from the Planned Parenthood Clinic and was there to feed this young woman anti-choice propaganda. However, the young woman slipped away before the Vigil For Life volunteers got her name.
You should read the whole thing, though it is incredibly disturbing.


In Missouri, a Planned Parenthood clinic is closing and merging with another:
COLUMBIA — The Jefferson City office of Planned Parenthood will close Nov. 30.

The services provided by the center, which was open on Tuesday and Thursday, will now be provided by the Columbia office on Providence Road, said Michelle Trupiano, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Kansas and mid-Missouri.


Jefferson City residents who cannot travel to Columbia for care can go to the Cole County Health Department to find another provider, Trupiano said.

"We don't believe there will be any women who will not be able to access services," she said.

Services offered at Planned Parenthood include cancer screenings, birth control, prevention and treatment of STDs, pap tests, sexual health education and counseling.

The consolidation will allow the Columbia center to extend its hours and schedule more appointments, Trupiano said.

"(Patients) will possibly be able to get in sooner," she said. "It will benefit them for the fact that when they call, they can get an appointment the same day."
Abortion services are still not able to be provided at the Columbia clinic because the doctor who provided them was recently called up to active duty and they have not yet found someone else.

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[TW for sexual harassment]


(An online advertisement reading "Local Sexual Harassment:
Find Sexual Harassment Near You. Read Actual Customer Reviews!")

Oof. Someone needs to tweek their ad-bot. Just a suggestion. And yes, this was attached to a story about Herman Cain. Double oof.

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Quote of the Day

"The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is."Herman Cain, the GOP's current frontrunner, on what makes a man a man and what makes a sissy a sissy (vegetables) in a new GQ Magazine profile.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Kenny G: "Songbird"

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Oh, Well, That's Fine Then

(TW: Homophobia, misogyny, bullying)

I had the news on this morning and heard a brief report about this story. Pat Lynch, a football coach at Buffalo High School in Wyoming, handed out this charming little handout to his students mocking them if they wished to report an incident of bullying. (Image of the document at the above link.)

The report, which was handed out before a game last month, claims to take 'hurt feelings very seriously' and offers to supply victims with 'diapers or a 'blanky'.

It also asks for the name of the 'Real Man' who hurt your sensitive little feelings'.

Under a list of reasons for filing the report, the survey offers choices including 'I have woman like hormones', 'I am a queer', 'I am a cry baby'. 'I am a little b****' and 'my butt is easily hurt'

At the end of the report it leaves a space for the name of the 'little sissy filing this report' and the filer's 'girly-man signature'.
Hilarious, right? After all, it's not as if bullying has any real consequences.

He, of course, has submitted the standard non-apology apology and has resigned his position as coach. This, after "two weeks of uncertainty surrounding Lynch's employment after he was placed on administrative leave." Gee, I could have figured out he needed to be fired after, oh, five minutes. But whatever. He's resigned as coach, game over, right?
After a meeting of the school board, it was announced that Mr Lynch will keep his job as a guidance counsellor at the high-school 'under administrative supervision', according to the Tribune.
Ah. Of course. We wouldn't want the students to be without his wonderful guidance.
A move which is expected to anger parents.
You think? Now why in the world would this school keep him on in any capacity?
In his tenure as head football coach, Lynch compiled a 96-40 record and took the Bison to six state championship games, the most recent in 2010.

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Today In Whoops

I know you're all excited by my announcement Friday regarding the DVD release of Atlas Shrugged: Part 1: The Phantom Menacers, so I hope this doesn't ruin your day.

The release has been marred by a typo, and 100,000 title sheets for the DVD will have to be replaced. The artwork for the DVD describes the film thusly: "Ayn Rand's timeless novel of courage and self-sacrifice comes to life..." Uh oh.

A spokesperson for the producer had this to say:

"It's embarrassing for sure and of course, regardless of how or why it happened, we're all feeling responsible right now. You can imagine how mortified we all were when we saw the DVD but, it was simply too late — the product was already on shelves all over the Country. It was certainly no surprise when the incredulous emails ensued. The irony is inescapable."

The company is replacing the sheets free of charge (also ironic) with new copy that reads "Ayn Rand's timeless novel of rational self-interest comes to life..." Much better!

But don't throw those originals out, Galtians, they're collector's items!

[H/t to everyone in the universe.]

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Open Thread

A Sontaran Time Squad Action Figure

Hosted by a Sontaran.

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Blog Note

I'm sorry for my recent absence: I've had what appears to be some kind of vicious stomach flu since Thursday. It's a bad one. At one point, I slept for 24 hours and thought I'd just had a short nap.

After feeling better yesterday, I am unfortunately right back to the worst of it again today. I'll be back when I can.

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Open Thread

A mug filled with hot buttered rum

Hosted by hot buttered rum.
This week's open threads have been brought to you by food topped with butter.

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