Bath Time for Baby Sloths

Too much cute. Can't even process.

Video Description: Baby sloths are gently removed from their cages by their handlers, who are two women, one of whom appears to be white and one of whom appears to be a woman of color. The baby sloths are placed into a big plastic container which has been fitted with wooden racks from which the baby sloths can hang, while the women carry the container to a bathing area. The baby sloths are washed, looking adorable and making adorable squeaky sounds, then dipped in a tea bath to protect them from parasites. Then they're taken to a sort of baby sloth jungle gym where they're allowed to "drip-dry" before they're toweled off. They squeak and look suuuuuuuper cute! Then they are returned to their cages and given hibiscus flowers, which are a highly valued sloth treat! Then: Naptime! Crushing amounts of slothy cuteness. The end.

[Via TDW.]

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